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Reading List



Nancy Wender,  LCSW

Articles on Relationships

The first two articles, “Ambivalence: Should I Stay, or Should I Go?” which is targeted to women and “Emotional Architecture: The Building Blocks of a Successful Romantic Relationship” provide tangible information on how to navigate the complicated world of making choices in a difficult relationship and on what it takes to forge the kind of lasting romantic relationship you seek.

“Second Chances” is a hopeful look at finding enduring love.  Through the work in therapy, patients ended toxic relationships and embarked on new, lasting relationships built on awareness and understanding of the past and the positive steps necessary for the future.

“Temperament Styles, One Couple and Their Efforts to Resolve Conflict” follows Sarah and Jim through their struggle to resolve disagreements in their marriage.  Their individual temperaments and family dynamics are highlighted, and when they interact in the therapy setting, their different temperament styles combine to produce a couple temperament, and once understood, can lead to better communication.

Ms. Wender will attach new articles on a periodic basis and welcomes feedback via e-mail.
Please note that all identifying information has been disguised to protect patient confidentiality.

Ambivalence-Should I Stay, Or Should I Go? (pdf)

Emotional Architecture:The Building Blocks of a Successful Romantic Relationship (pdf)

Second Chances (pdf)

Temperament Styles (pdf)